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Boiler feed pump definition_Changsha Zoomlian Pump Co.,Ltd

Boiler feed pump   The boiler feed pump is also called the feed pump (see reactor pump) and is designed as a multi-stage radial flow pump. (See also Multistage Pump.)   They are used to feed…
时间:2021年04月15日    阅读:2150

What are the working conditions of the high temperature pum_Changsha Zoomlian Pump Co.,Ltd

What are the working conditions of the high temperature hot water circulating pump? Let's introduce the IRG vertical hot water pipeline pump.   High temperature hot water circulation pump   IRG…
时间:2021年04月15日    阅读:1664

Booster pump_Changsha Zoomlian Pump Co.,Ltd

Booster pump The booster pump is used to provide the required inlet head for cavitation-free operation of the main pump installed downstream of the booster pump. Booster pump for fire fighting pu…
时间:2021年04月15日    阅读:2051

Boundary layer_Changsha Zoomlian Pump Co.,Ltd

Boundary layer   In fluid flow, a solid wall near the boundary layer region, the speed increases asymptotically (i.e. the method but never joins a given curve) the value of the wall (no slip cond…
时间:2021年04月15日    阅读:1793

The bypass_Changsha Zoomlian Pump Co.,Ltd

The bypass The term bypass refers to circumvention or bridging. In centrifugal pump technology, it refers to the pipeline that plays a key role in closed loop control or balancing equipment. In th…
时间:2021年04月15日    阅读:1793

Zoomlian Pump in 2019 Vietnam International Industry Fair_Changsha Zoomlian Pump Co.,Ltd

2019 Vietnam International Industry Fair: Changsha Zoomlian Pump Make Good Start to Explore International Market   From October 8th to 11th, Vietnam International Industry Fair (VIIF) was held i…
时间:2021年04月15日    阅读:1868

The PECE Assessment drafted by Zoomlian Pump was officially_Changsha Zoomlian Pump Co.,Ltd

The "Pump System Energy Consumption and Energy Saving Opportunity Assessment" drafted by Zoomlian Pump was officially implemented   ​On December 1, 2020, the national group standard "Pump System…
时间:2021年04月15日    阅读:1876